Friday, September 13th, 2024
School has started, and we always like to send out a gentle reminder to please be aware and alert! Knowing and understanding Pennsylvania’s School Bus Stopping Law and obeying it helps to keep everyone safe. Below is directly from DMV.PA.GOV
– Motorists must stop at least 10 feet away from school buses that have their red lights flashing and stop arm activated.
– Motorists must stop when they are behind a bus, meeting the bus or approaching an intersection where a bus is stopped.
– Motorists following or traveling alongside a school bus must also stop until the red lights have stopped flashing, the stop arm is withdrawn, and all children have reached safety.
– If physical barriers such as grassy medians, guide rails or concrete median barriers separate oncoming traffic from the bus, motorists in the opposing lanes may proceed without stopping.
– Do not proceed until all the children have reached a place of safety.
You can find a list of complete School Bus Safety at
(610) 588-3030
ABA Insurance Notary & Tag
418 Roseto Avenue
Roseto, PA 18013